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Verskis.lt plugin

Registration with OPAY and website confirmation.

Here is a description of how to install OPAY in your online store created on the verskis.lt platform.

  1. Open the Start using registration form on the opay.eu website.
  2. On the opened page, select Install and Accept Payments option.

    Accept payment

  3. Please fill out the form.
  4. Please click on the Submit Data button.

    Verskis send data

  5. In the popup window titled Confirmation is required, select Upload HTML <meta> tag and copy the entire entry.

    verskis copy

  6. In the verskis.lt admin panel select Settings > Payment Interfaces > OPAY
  7. In the opened window, paste the previously copied entry into the Project Ownership Verification Meta Code field.

    verskis setting window

  8. Save changes
  9. Open the popup window from OPAY and click on the VERIFY button.

Upon successful verification, you will be redirected to the OPAY page. After reviewing the data you provided, we will contact you via phone or email.

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please contact us by phone +370 611 55554 or email at [email protected]