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Įskiepis skirtas įdiegti OPAY mokėjimų surinkimo sistemą į PrestaShop el. komercijos platformos pagrindu veikiančią internetinę parduotuvę.

puzzle icon

Plugin version v1.5.1

Tested with PrestaShop versions: - & 8.1

Installation instructions

  1. Move OPAY Plugin archive files to the PrestaShop directory. You can do this in several ways. Here are two options:

    Using the PrestaShop administration interface

    1. In the administration environment, go to Modules->Modules and services and click on Add a new module.
    2. Select the OPAY Prestahop plugin zip archive and click on Upload this module.

      Upload module

    Using an FTP client program:

    1. Extract the contents of the OPAY plugin zip archive. Using an FTP client program, upload the extracted files to the PrestaShop plugins directory (modules).

      Upload module via FTP

  2. In the Modules List, click on Install next to the OPAY Payment Gateway plugin.

    Upload module

  3. Fill in the mandatory Payment Module details and click on Update Settings. If your online store is not registered with the OPAY system, fill out the registration form and receive all the necessary data for the settings.

    Plugin settings

  4. Accept payments!